Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Best Way To Salvage This Situation Would Be To Opt For Credit Card Debt Relief

Category: Finance, Credit.

It was only a matter of time before the number of people experiencing credit card debt would increase. The problem is it is just too easy to spend money but now people are looking for ways to try and pay off the thousands they owe to the finance companies.

This increase is due in part to the ease with which cards can be applied for, and issued. The best way to salvage this situation would be to opt for credit card debt relief. This fist stage is the most difficult but once the decision has been made it is then just a matter of looking at all the credit card debt relief options available. The card holder must cease using it whilst he or she finds an option or the situation will just get worse and will never be resolved. There are various debt consolidation alternatives available but the three most common options are detailed below. If this method is not available then a consolidation loan may be a debt relief answer where a number of debts can be replaced with just one at a lower monthly installment.

The easiest method of debt consolidation is where the person still has a good credit rating and uses another credit card that has a low rate of interest where all the debts can be transferred to one card. This option does require a certain willingness on the part of the person in debt to be strict about the payments and the regularity in which they are made if they really want to end the debt problem. For people that cannot use the normal credit card debt relief methods then settlement negotiators are probably the next best route. Debt consolidation does require that the debtor is still able to access credit and that they will have sufficient funds to repay the loan. Debt relief companies usually have a good track record at this type of negotiation with the usual arrangement of around half the outstanding debt will have to be paid and any balance can be dropped. This final option means that the slate will be wiped clean but trying to access credit of any kind will be very difficult whilst the bankruptcy is in force so rebuilding the credit history will take some time.

If all else fails the debtor is left with bankruptcy to clear the debts but this is not something that should ever be looked upon as the first course of action as there are serious consequences to be considered. Once your debts have been cleared, hopefully you will learn to be more responsible and not require debt relief from your credit cards ever again.

Monday, August 25, 2008

You Need To Have The Card That Is Right For You

Category: Finance, Credit.

We live in a day and age where credit cards are an essential aspect of day to day living.

Just having one is not the only thing that matters. Today, while you can get away, or, get by, there is a, without having one lot you will not be able to do if you do not have one. You need to have the card that is right for you. Taking the time now will save you hundreds, or even thousands of dollars down the road. What this means is that you are going to have to do comparison shopping of several credit cards before you decide on the one that is right for you. The first thing you need to do is get an idea of what cards are available out there. If you are considering a card, do not throw them out.

You should have a general consensus about this just from the offers that come in the mail. Start making lists about interest rates, terms of payment, annual fees, and so on about each card. Try to determine what features of the cards are most important to you. Make a chart if that is most helpful to you in comparing them. The perfect card for you will be the one with the right combination of fees, and interest rates, benefits. Nowadays, the Internet can be a tremendous aid when you are comparison shopping for a credit card. Your next step will be to compare the cards on your chart and determine which one you finally decide on.

Most financial companies that offer credit cards have their own website. When you see the figures side by side, it will be easier for you to select the card that will meet your needs. Many of these sites will even have site features that allow you to compare cards side by side to see which ones meet your needs best. When you go credit card shopping, think about how you are going to use your card. Will you carry your balance month to month? Will you pay your bill in full? Will you use it for cash advances?

Also be aware that every card will have several associated with them for different reasons. Depending on what your needs are, you have to be careful and selective on what the interest rate is. If you are late on payments, there is a different rate. Know all of these things well in advance before you apply for the credit card you want. You will also have a different rate associated with cash advances. The thing of utmost importance when you are comparing credit cards is to take your time and meticulously evaluate all of its available features.

Once you do that, you will be able to determine which card is right for you and which one meets all of your needs.


If The Interest Rate Is Too Good To Be True, It Often Is - Adriana Drovin's Finance and Credit blog:

Whether you have plenty of plastic or you are applying for your first one, one thing that you have to be aware of is the interest rates. When you use plastic there is a rate of interest that applies for however long the amount charged remains unpaid.

Home Equity Line Of Credit - Finance and Credit Articles:

Home equity loan can be a difficult concept for the people who have never dealt with home ownership earlier. In short, home equity is how many houses the person has earned.

Credit Card Is Surely A Smart Way Of Spending Money - Matilda Ledonne's Finance and Credit blog:

The power of plastic money is utilised by a large section of people today. Keeping and paying smart money is quite advantageous but you have to make sound choices while using a credit card.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

CONTRACT: Unlike Painting A House Or Putting In A Driveway, Credit Restoration Work( And Results) Are Extremely Broad

Category: Finance, Credit.

People with credit problems often ask me when it comes to improving their credit score whether they should hire a credit repair company or do it themselves? However, I will shed some light on the subject if you re in need of a little enlightenment.

Unfortunately, there is no simple or universal answer to this question. According to the Federal Trade Commission( FTC) "Everything a credit repair clinic can do for you legally you can do for yourself at little or no cost" . After all, everything a mobile oil change service can do for me I can also do myself at little or no cost( but you won t find me changing the oil in my car this weekend! ). While I agree with the FTC I also understand some consumers do not have the time, patience( or knowledge) to do the work themselves and the thought of" drive- thru- we- do- it- all- for- you- credit- repair" becomes very appealing. Although some things are better done yourself, only you can determine if doing your own credit restoration work will be one of them. REFERENCES: Any legitimate company or individual doing credit restoration work for consumers will be able to provide you with at least half a dozen references.

This is why understanding both the advantages and limitations of a credit repair company and the structure from which it operates are VERY important. If the company or person is local you should be able to call these references. If possible, I suggest you ask friends, relatives and professional, family contacts if they know of someone who does credit restoration work as a side business. This is without question the most important point of consideration when hiring a professional to do the work for you. By far the highest percentage of successful stories I hear from consumers are those which come from those who found a credit consultant via personal referral. It s the difference between going on a vacation with a close friend instead of a stranger. I cannot stress this enough.

CONTRACT: Unlike painting a house or putting in a driveway, credit restoration work( and results) are extremely broad. Most likely your credit challenges didn t occur overnight and they won t be improved overnight either. Therefore, the use of a contract is imperative. A good contract protects you as well as the service provider. MONTHLY FEE: One of the most critical elements which affects" how" a credit restoration company operates is determined by its payment structure. The contract should be easy to understand without an Attorney and spell out the actual services which will be rendered as well as the service providers limitations( i. e. they cannot guarantee the removal of any one particular item but can guarantee an overall increase in score overtime) . One of the most common payment structures of large companies or law firms doing credit restoration is that of the monthly" auto- debit" fee.

While there is an advantage to this method( affordability) with it comes many disadvantages. ) The first disadvantage this structure creates is that it gives the company absolutely no incentive to work quickly or aggressively on behalf of the consumer. In this structure the consumer usually pays$ 49 to$ 99 up front and then a monthly fee of$ 39 to$ 49 per month. In fact, the opposite is true. In most cases this structure leads to slow results over a very long period of time. The longer they take the longer they will continue to collect their monthly fee! Looking at it logically, this shouldn t come as a surprise. ) The other challenge within this structure is the actual amount of time, effort and resources which a company or law firm can reasonably allocate on a consumer s behalf. Out of that$ 39 to$ 49 there are monthly expenses including but not limited to: Advertising, Office Rent and Utilities, Employee Payroll and Taxes, Phone Service, Health Insurance, Office Supplies, Computer Maintenance and, Refunds Programming, Office Supplies and, Website Administration let s not forget postage for mailing letters to creditors, collection agencies and credit bureaus.

Remember, any large business has a tremendous amount of overhead which quickly chews up most of that monthly fee. A much simpler way to think of this is by imagining if you had a client paying you$ 39 a month. Boiler Plate Letters are simple form letters which are used for ALL consumers( one format fits all) . How much work would you be willing to do? ) One of the biggest challenges credit repair companies charging low monthly fees run into is being forced to rely on the use of Automated" Boiler Plate" Dispute and Correspondence Letters. Once set up in a computer program with the consumers information they are" shot out" automatically on behalf of the consumers needs( i. e. disputing a late pay, charge- off or judgment etc) . I spoke with a man recently who was on the inside of a large credit repair company who informed me they had an archive of over 10, 000 boiler plate letters on file to avoid this problem. The problem here is that when a credit repair company has thousands of clients they are shooting these form letters out for, collection agencies and, the creditors credit bureaus can take notice of these letters being used over and over and discover your correspondence is coming from a third party( i. e. credit repair company or law firm) and in some cases ignore it or( worse yet) mark the dispute frivolous and flag your credit report.

Of course, they charged customers by the month. As a consumer it is vital that you are made aware of the methods they are using in dealing with your creditors, collections and the credit bureaus. NON- DISCLOSURE OF METHODS: One of the most troubling issues with 95% of large credit repair firms( especially law firms) is their non- disclosure of dispute tactics and methods. If the organization or law firm violates laws or makes errors( I have witnessed both) you could be held liable for their negligence. Anyone doing credit restoration for you should disclose" what" they are doing since you are paying for a service. In addition, this can actually make your credit worse and create problems which are very difficult to clean up.

If they won t, you better run the other way as they could be pouring gas on a blazing camp fire. It is absolutely vital when having someone else do your credit restoration work for you that they operate within your home state. LOCATED IN HOME STATE: This is one of the most overlooked keys to successful third party credit restoration which consumers miss. Here s why: if a credit repair company or law firm mails dispute letters or correspondence on your behalf from another state, that mail will be postmarked from that state. It is known that many Credit Repair Companies and Law Firms will resort to or create some kind of method to get around this in order to get disputes postmarked from the consumers home state( potentially more non- disclosure) . If the credit bureau catches this they can( and in many cases will) mark the dispute as frivolous and flag your credit file.

For example. Once in CA someone opens the envelope and then mails your dispute letters from CA so they postmarked from your home state. If they are in NY and you are in CA they will first have to mail your dispute letters inside an envelope from NY to CA. I am not an expert on postal regulations but had a postal employee tell me the concept sounded extremely shady at best. The best credit restoration companies I ve seen are usually run by one person or a small number of people and are extremely customized for each client. CUSTOMIZATION: It s for this reason that some of the most advanced forms of credit restoration are done completely customized for the client and even( in many cases) by hand.

The is the most effective but with effectiveness comes cost. This type of service is simply impossible to perform for$ 39 or even$ 49 a month. Every one of these services I have seen charges a very large upfront fee and works entirely off of referrals. Unfortunately, if you are unable to find someone in your area( preferably an individual) by way of referral through a friend, relative or professional contact, then I recommend you take matters into your own hands and do it yourself. How high? I realize most consumers do not want to hear this but the good news is that it will almost always turn out to be the highest paid work you will ever do in your life. How does$ 500 to$ 2500 an hour sound?

If you re ever going to finance a first or second home( which everyone eventually should for the tax breaks) the difference between good credit and poor credit will affect your interest rate. I understand it s a bold claim but not one I am unable to back up. If you secure a$ 200, 000 mortgage on a 30 year term and your interest rate is only 2% lower because of a high credit score, that 2% will save you$ 96, 9311 over the course of the loan( just because you had better credit) . Take that$ 96, 9311 and divide it by the 30 to 50 hours you may spend working on your credit situation and you ll quickly realize credit restoration when done properly does not cost- it pays!


The Credit Card Companies Greet Him With The Following: Very High APR - Mayra Meisner about Finance and Credit:

Having a bad credit and getting good credit card offers simply doesn t happen.

That Could Also Result In A Sudden Surge In The APR On Your Credit Card Debt - Finance and Credit Blog:

0 Intro APR credit cards are used by many people to avoid high interest rates on outstanding balances.

Credit Report Is Aimed To Establish - Ana Imhoff's Finance and Credit blog:

It is not unusual for individuals to find ways around building up debt.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Choosing A Credit Counseling Agency

Category: Finance, Credit.

Are you barely making ends meet?

Unable to meet your monthly expenses much less save money for emergencies or retirement? Dodging debt collection calls? If this sounds familiar, you may want to consider credit counseling. It can help you get out of debt faster and improve your credit, just to name a few. Credit Counseling can improve many aspects of your life. And there are many agencies out there that would love to quickly enroll you in their Debt Management Program.

As with most things in life, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. However, not all agencies are created equal and not all agencies are truly looking out for your best interest. This article will outline some guidelines in choosing a credit counseling agency, what questions you should ask and a few warning signs that you may not be dealing with an ethical practice. Reputable credit counseling agencies advise you on how to realistically manage your money and your debts, help you develop a workable budget, and usually offer free educational materials and workshops. Choosing a Credit Counseling Agency. Develop your own list on the potential credit counseling agencies and the best way to check the reputability of those short listed credit counseling agencies is to check them with the Better Business Bureau at www. bbb. org.

Credit counselors should be certified and trained in the areas of consumer credit, money and debt management, and should discuss, and budgeting your entire financial situation with you, and help you develop a personalized plan to solve your money problems without pushing a debt management program. From they you will know how many complaints have been filed against these credit counseling agencies and for what reasons. Erase them from your list for those credit counseling agencies that keep pushing you to enroll into their debt management program without understanding first on your financial condition. Although many credit counseling agencies are nonprofit, there might be some fee involve. The Cost. Bottom line is whether they request" fees" or" contributions" , they should be disclosed and should be reasonable.

Make sure that the agency is not keeping the first month& #39. Anything over$ 50 for a consultation fee or monthly fee or contribution is NOT reasonable. S payment as their fee! What Questions To Ask? This is known as a bad practice in the industry and has been the source of state attorney general lawsuits as well as many individual actions against the agencies that do this. What services do you offer?

Avoid agencies that push a debt management plan( DMP) as your only option before they spend a significant amount of time analyzing your financial situation. Look for a credit counseling agency that offers a variety of related services. What educational materials/ information do you offer? Avoid credit counseling agencies that charge for educational materials or other written information. Is it free? What are your fees? Get a specific price quote in writing and make sure you understand exactly what fees you& #39.

Are there set- up and/ or monthly fees, how are they broken down? Ll be charged. T afford to pay your fees or make contributions? What if I can& #39. Under the terms of the Pension Protection Act of 2006, non- profit credit counseling agencies must provide services for free if a consumer is unable to pay. Are they accredited or certified by an outside organization?

What are the qualifications of your counselors? Use an organization whose counselors are trained by a non- affiliated party and who have a background in debt management, consumer credit and budgeting/ finance. Make sure the contract includes: Disclosure of the amount of your fee or contribution. Once you satisfied with their answers given by the credit counseling agency and decide to take up their service, remember to get a copy of the contract and review it carefully before you sign it. Description of the services to be provided. Disclosure of the termination provisions of the agreement. An estimate of the payoff schedule for the debts.

Options for resolution of disputes. Finally, you should be aware of a few warning signs on unethical practice. Warning Signs. Get alert with these signs when you interviewing an agency: Unrealistic Low Monthly Payments. Loan Programs. Money Back Offers.

If the promises being made seem like they& #39. Beware. Re too good to be true, they probably are. Summary. Now you must make the next big step and choose the Credit Counseling Agency that is best for you. You have made the first step towards reaching financial freedom.

Remember, you want to work with an agency whose goals are in line with yours, NOT theirs.


The ANC First Card Will Make Sure That You Are Protected On The Internet And Off - Finance and Credit Blog:

Credit cards are often sought after by individuals who are looking to transfer large sums of money from a high interest credit card to a lower rate credit card that will in turn save them money.

Credit Limits - Finance and Credit:

Credit cards are a convenient method of obtaining credit and when used properly they can provide flexibility& a range of useful benefits for the cardholder.

In Such A Case, Getting The Best Credit Card Becomes Even More Of An Ordeal For The Buyer - Millie Foxworth about Finance and Credit:

Michael, 25 years old and working in United States for past one year was on the verge of going bald from trying to figure out the best credit card among the tons of emails that he received almost daily about the" pre approved credit cards" . As choosing the right credit card is not such an easy task as it looks at the first go, it becomes essential that you know some of the important points before you eventually purchase the best credit card for yourself.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Credit Cards Have Their Place

Category: Finance, Credit.

Credit cards can be a blessing or a curse. They are great when you have an emergency or an unexpected expense.

It all depends on how you use them. However, if you buy every new style of shoes that comes out or eat out 4 or 5 times a week you are likely to find yourself with mounting debt on those credit cards. Credit card companies are making very easy to get credit. Credit card debt is on the rise in this country and reaching an all time high. You can have all your credit cards maxed out, but as long as you make that minimum monthly payment, these companies will be willing to extend you more credit. Do the credit card companies have your best interests in mind, by giving you all this credit?

But, who is benefiting by you having all this credit? The credit card companies have everything to gain, especially your interest payments. Having spent time working in the credit card industry, it was very obvious that if you make only minimum payments you are going to be in debt a long time. As long as you are making your minimum payment, these companies are happy, because they are also making a substantial amount off of you in interest payments. I have seen people who had minimum payments due of$ 200 and$ 195 of that payment went to pay there interest charges. It is up to you to make the necessary changes to get yourself out of debt.

Credit card companies have designed their payment system to keep you in debt. It was said that at the beginning of 2006, minimum credit card payments would increase from 2% to 4% of the balance. Bottom line is you are going to have to make some decisions if you wish to have a debt free future. I have not really seen where that has happened. You are robbing yourself of your dreams if you spend many years making the credit card companies richer. You just have to figure out where it is.

Credit cards have their place. If you have an excessive amount of credit card debt, now is the time to make a debt management plan that will help you become debt free within a reasonable amount of time( 5 years or less) . Credit cards can work for you, but if they are used for the wrong reasons, they can be a burden to you for a long time. If you do not know where to start, there are many non- profit debt counseling agencies that can help you get started.


Special OPEN( R) The Small Business Network Features - Alissa Kearl about Finance and Credit:

Are you a small business owner, looking for a great credit card website. ? Look no further.

The American Express Blue Card Is No Exception - Finance and Credit Articles:

These days, credit cards are loaded with great features and benefits. As a matter of fact, it is one of the better credit cards to own.

Well You Should Be Using A Credit Card - Robert Wulff about Finance and Credit:

Want to shop without carrying a wad of currency notes? Surely you are familiar with these magical pieces of plastic that are issued considering your credit history.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Men And Women Who End Up In Credit Card Debt Frequently Default In Their Payment Of Credit Card Bills And End Up Chewing Much More Than They Can Swallow

Category: Finance, Credit.

To start with, if you are considering consolidating your credit card debt, you have to look for a plan that offers an annual percentage rate( APR) that is considerably lower than the one offered by your former credit card firm in order to aid you pay off your debts. Credit card corporations that particularize in providing student credit cards use the credit card rate or annual credit card rate( APR) , as a check to stop students from exceeding the credit card limit and as a means of encouraging prompt payment of credit card bills.

Credit card rate is a a fundamental factor to take into consideration when hunting for a good credit card firm as it frequently determines your capacity to timely pay your bills. All credit card companies, as part of their efforts to supply as much info that will truly aid likely customers make a choice, have customer services that comprise of individuals who re skilled at providing info on credit cards. Men and women who end up in credit card debt frequently default in their payment of credit card bills and end up chewing much more than they can swallow. If you ve any queries to make regarding the offers or perks of a credit card firm or any other issue about credit cards it s possible to dial up the customer service of the firm and have your queries addressed. Several college students are frequently green behind the ears when it comes to credit cards and have their first taste of it in the form of college credit cards which make it possible for them to meet their desires while in school. When handling merchants on the Net, you ve to tread with ease before releasing info because of the presence of Internet fraudsters who can turn your shopping experience on the Net into an ordeal. But it is surely advantageous for them to utilize the credit cards with concern so as not to get into debts.

A credit card is a sort of piece of plastic card which can be electronically activated and used to procure services or goods. To end this up, credit cards come with several offers such as points or earning which come in percentages and are gotten when you make certain purchases at markets or supermarkets. It beats cash any day due to the fact that it reduces the fear of being robbed that comes with carrying cash. Knowing this can aid you make the proper decisions.


The Sony Card By Visa Can Help - Finance and Credit Articles:

Sony has been the name in electronics for years, and as our electronic devices continue to take over our lives, isn t it time you saved some money on everything you buy?

Still, As You Stand In An Endless Line Waiting To Board, You Wonder If Your Credit Card Has This Kind Of Security - Finance and Credit Articles:

Just about everybody, when going to the airport and boarding a plane, have to go through hours and hours, lines and lines of security. Still, as you stand in an endless line waiting to board, you wonder if your credit card has this kind of security.

Then It S Down To Business - Finance and Credit:

Like a finely- tuned engine, a successful and profitable business needs steady cashflow for smooth running.

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Past Mistake Like Non- Payment Of Earlier Loans, Not Allowed To, Is Hence Cloud Over Your Future

Category: Finance, Credit.

Many of us may have taken a loan in the past but were unable to repay it for varied reasons, some could be personal others financial.

If you too, have a bad credit history in your past and need money urgently, you may be finding it difficult to raise cash at present. However, the creditor is not expected to understand the cause for non- payment and this makes the defaulting borrower enter the group of bad debts and the individual s credit history is damaged. Most lenders would consider an individual with poor credit rating as a high- risk case and hence would not be too keen on providing a loan to such an individual. Bad credit cash advance loans, provide the ideal, however solution to all such individuals and hence you need not worry about your financial crunch anymore. However, it is unfair that your past should affect your future and you are unable to get loans for any urgent need. These types of loans bring hope to many individuals who find it difficult to raise instant cash to meet any urgent financial need. The individual can just fill in some basic personal and employment details and the executive from the lending agency will get back to him promptly.

Many online websites provide the necessary information on such loans and it is also easy to apply for the loans through a simple online application form. Once the loan verification has been done it will be approved instantly and often the cash is transferred to the borrower s account on the same day itself. Loans like this give a chance to the borrower to redeem them self s by making timely payment on this loan. It may take up to 2- 3 days for a cash transfer in few cases depending on the amount of loan but still it is one of the fastest ways to get instant cash for any urgent requirement. Hence whether you opt for a secured or unsecured loan this time, make sure that the repayment is within the decided tenure so that your credit rating is not further affected. So, be sure to find out all the terms and conditions of the loan, including the clause on repayment in order to gain the maximum benefit from this form of loan. Also, non- payment calls for legal action and you could find the collateral being confiscated by the lender in case you have opted for the secured loan.

Bad credit cash advance loans make it possible for every individual to meet their urgent financial needs, be it the cost of car repairs, house repair and, urgent bills maintenance or perhaps a medical emergency. However, make the best use of this advantage and make sure that you do not repeat the same financial mistakes that had earned you a bad credit history. A past mistake like non- payment of earlier loans, not allowed to, is hence cloud over your future. Life now need not stop when you run out of cash and you can continue living and maintaining your lifestyle even through a short term financial crunch with the help of bad credit loans.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

So It Is Most Important To Keep As Low As Possible Interest Rates As You Can

Category: Finance, Credit.

Lower Rates( as in How to lower interest rates on your mortgage credit cards and insurance ) Even if you have a low interest rate on your mortgage you may have to pay a substantial amount.

So it is most important to keep as low as possible interest rates as you can. The interest on the course can be quite significant. There is a belief that once you have received the mortgage there little that you do to lower the interest rates. You obviously have to have a good history on your payments and you cannot be back on your payments. Here they are sadly mistaken. The payments have to be on time. By making your payments on time or early you are creating a good relationship with your lender.

Making your mortgage payments on time is the first step to making the interest rates lower. You are showing them that they can rely on you when it id needed you are also bringing down the total amount that you owe. This can lead to the possibility of lowering your interest rate without your asking for them. You are also avoiding late fees. You need to be aware of shifting interest rates. The interest rates offered by other lenders also fluctuate frequently. The interest rates at the national level fluctuate frequently.

When you keep your eyes open you may find that the interest rate dropped to a considerable extent when you took out your mortgage. The best way to get your lender to reduce your interest rates is to talk to them. This can lead to your requesting a review of your interest rates in the hope that you get a lower interest rate may work in your favor. The easiest way is to contact one of the loan officers at your bank and decide upon a date of meeting with them. With every credit card you get you have an interest rate. If you are paying more than the minimum payment then you can make appoint about the good payment history.

The interest rate determines how much you are supposed to be charged by the credit card company for borrowing money from them. Your credit rates go up when you make the payments on time. You should keep the balances on your existing loans low. Some of the lowest interest rates come from the banks. If you stick to these golden rules then you will be given lower interest rates by the bank. The higher the credit rate that you have the lower the interest rates and you will be whistling to yourself in joy. Also keep away from applying for credit card that you know you are not eligible for.

These are some of the methods that help you to lower interest rates on your mortgage credit cards and insurance. If you apply for loans that you do not qualify for then your credit card ratings suffer that much. These golden rules keep your credit rating high and help you to pay less in the crucial interest amounts.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Dun And Bradstreet Spokesman Echoed The View Of Veda Advantage That Credit Reporting Reforms Were Needed To Help With Better Lending Decisions

Category: Finance, Credit.

Surging numbers of Australians defaulting on their credit agreements has led two of Australia s credit checking firms to call for major credit reporting reforms to tackle the nation s growing debt problem. The study by Veda Advantage, Australia s largest credit ratings business with information on 13 million Aussies, has shown that in parts of Australia the numbers of people defaulting has risen by more than 50 per cent.

Two recent studies conducted by credit reference agencies, Veda Advantage and Dun and Bradstreet have shown alarming increases in the number of people failing to repay the credit they owe. Areas with high levels of mortgaged home owners saw rises of 42% , as hard pressed families struggle to cope with interest rate rises. A spokesman for Veda Advantage said the survey had highlighted regional hotspots of consumers struggling to repay what they owe to lenders. "This study is significant as it demonstrates that people living in regional Australia as well as those in mortgage belt suburbs are struggling over other areas to repay the credit they owe. "The drought and other environmental hardships, as well as rising interest rates may have paid their toll as country families seem to be suffering more than their city cousins. "We are also concerned about the rise in defaults in mortgage belt suburbs as some families purchasing their own houses are also struggling to repay money, " she added. Capital city areas, while seeing fewer defaults, still saw hikes in defaulters by nearly a third. Veda Advantage have said the study reinforces the need for decisive action to reform credit reporting laws to protect borrowers and lenders, especially in light of growing concerns about interest rates and the cost of living. More than half of debtors are under the age of 35, according to the Dun and Bradstreet study.

A separate study conducted by Dun and Bradstreet has shown that young Aussies are the most likely to get a call from a lender s collections department. Other key findings show many consumers are defaulting on low value debts of less than$ 500, with men more likely to suffer re- payment problems than women. A Dun and Bradstreet spokesman echoed the view of Veda Advantage that credit reporting reforms were needed to help with better lending decisions. Victorians are the most likely to have a debt referred to debt collectors. She added: "Consumers need to think carefully about the levels of debt they are taking on. Those changes must include improved credit reporting laws. " Victorians and New South Welshmen and women top the league table for debts referred to collectors, at an average of$ 3, 000, according to the credit report supplier. However with years of reports about ever increasing debt stress we have to accept that our current credit reporting laws aren t working and we need to make changes.

Victorians account for 40 per cent of the debt referred to collectors. While young Aussies under 35- years- of- age account for one third of debt sent to collectors, debtors between the ages of 35- 44 have the highest average default debt of about$ 6, 00 Men are incurring debts of$ 600 more than women and account for 52 per cent of debt passed to debt collectors.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

One Can Think Of This Card As A Shopping Tool

Category: Finance, Credit.

A credit card is a usual mode of transaction these days.

When you apply for one, there are many factors you should consider. One can think of this card as a shopping tool. Spending habits determine in a big way, the kind of credit card that would fit in best for you. This is often part of the learning process as well. This should serve to you the perfect way to know which card would suit you best. As we grow older, in keeping the, our lesson right card, continues.

When one decides to go for a credit card, one must also be careful of certain practices undertaken by some credit companies. This is because over time, our spending habits change and the old card we used before may no longer suit us. One of the practices is to raise the interest rates on the card at will. Your credit history determines to a large extent what rate of interest you might you offered. If you fail to make repayments on the due dates, the interest can shoot up and the price can be too heavy to bear. The same company can offer customers different rates on the same card through different schemes in different times of the year.

What interest rate you are offered is generally influenced by the kind of credit history you have. And the company may also offer different rates of interest on the same card to different individuals at the same time. It is incumbent upon you as the customer to find out the rate of interest that would be to his/ her liking and budget. You can apply for credit card quotes online just by a simple fill- out of an online application form. For this, the customer can go researching the Internet to find suitable offers. Once it is verified by the underwriter and approved, you can receive a confirmation.

The card itself arrives via mail in just a few days.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The British Economy Is Experiencing A Major Credit Readjustment, Which Has Implications For Many Home Loan Borrowers Throughout The UK

Category: Finance, Credit.

The British economy is experiencing a major credit readjustment, which has implications for many home loan borrowers throughout the UK. One of the leading British investment Companies has been quoted to say that changes in the markets don' t seem to affect high- end mortgage borrowers, as most problems stem from affordability issues.

It seems however that borrowers at the higher end of this market have not been as affected. This particular factor is probably less likely to affect home loan borrowers who have larger home loans, as their personal financial liquidity is often robust enough to cope with the changes in the national rate of interest. Borrowers who have taken out fixed rate agreements are also unaffected by the recent fiscal changes as their repayment rate remains the same. Guidelines put forward by the FSA ensure that home load lenders should thoroughly check out any loan candidate's capability to repay the loan, and in the case of larger loans this' ability'should be checked even more vigorously. What are the advantages of home loans? As a result, this type of loan is subject to manybenefits that could be advantageous to you. Home loans or secured loans offer the Loan Provider security against the debt.

Some Features available with home loans include: Fast payouts Increased loan repayment duration Repayment breaks Good rates, regardless of your credit history The option to clear loan balance early. What could I Use the loan for? Homeloans offer a pretty inexpensive way to fund major buys and finance home improvements for example and they come with very few limitations. A mortgage can be used for nearly anything you like. It is always important not to forget however that these debts are secured against your house and it's very important that you never over borrow and possibly overstretch your finances. People use home loans to fund a many different major buys such as weddings, home improvements etc, new cars. How much could I borrow?

Home loans are usually calculated against a the value of your home and always take certain facts into consideration like: Any other debts you may have. The amount you could borrow depends totally on the lender. Your outstanding mortgage balance. You will then normally be presented with an amount based on the above criteria for which to think about. The value of your home Your( and your spouses) income.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So What' S Stopping You From Getting A Credit Card

Category: Finance, Credit.

So what's stopping you from getting a credit card?

Wrong! It's because you don' t want to get one just because everyone else has them, right? You probably do not want a credit card for other, like the fact, more practical reasons that you don' t want to deal with interest rates, or you' re too scared you won' t be able to pay off your debt faster than you can rack it up. The part about getting a credit card that people are worried about the most is the question of whether or not you can control your debt. Here are a few tips to help put your mind at ease, so that if you get a credit card, it won' t be because your friends told you to, and it won' t be because of those little fears that hold you back. Honestly, that part is up to you, the card holder. Remember, the biggest goal here is to stay as far out of debt as possible while still taking advantage of the convenience that credit cards offer us in a modern and technological world.

Whether or not you can control your spending habits to stay in correspondence with your payment ability depends upon your discipline skills. A great way to do that is to pay off your debt on a regular basis, balancing the amount you spend and the amount you pay back so that your debt does not exceed your payment ability. Another hassle of credit cards is the interest rate issue. Paying off credit cards regularly will be great for your credit score because it shows that you are disciplined in managing your credit and paying back what you owe. There are tons of cases where a card holder was shocked to discover that their interest rate had shot up after a late payment, or even for no reason they knew of. It may start out with a great interest rate, but those percentages sometimes have an expiration date written in a very small font size on the back of a 5000 word agreement. The best way to avoid this is to make sure you know the terms on your credit card.

As painful as it may be, read that fine print and know what you' re getting into before you take the credit card plunge. Something that you can' t control is theft. Also find out how high your rates will increase with late fees, and what other kinds of penalties you could receive. Having your credit card stolen can create some serious credit damage if the stolen card is not canceled and is misused. Because of this option, the person who stole your card has no way of spending the money. To avoid this, the best thing you can do is call the credit card company immediately and cancel your credit card account, making it completely void and gives you peace of mind. If they had stolen cold hard cash, there's no way you could stop them from spending it, and you would never get it back.